Is the floor shop good? 5 teach you how to check

The floor is currently the most popular decoration material, which can almost represent the facade of the home, and the pavement is not good, which may cause very bad influence on the future. Therefore, the acceptance of the floor is particularly important, and it must be carefully after installation. Acceptance, today Xiaobian teach you 5 methods, easy acceptance floor!

The first step - look.

See if the floor color is the same

If the color difference is too large (as shown in the figure), it has a direct impact on the aesthetics and can be exchanged (especially solid wood flooring and laminate flooring); if the colors are too uniform, there is almost no color difference, it depends on whether the floor surface pattern is the same. In general, the patterns on the surface of solid wood flooring and reinforced wood flooring should be different for each piece, while the laminate flooring is the same pattern for each piece.

The second step - step on.

Look at the floor for sound

During acceptance, walk on the floor back and forth, focus on footsteps, pay more attention to acceptance in the area of ​​the wall and the door hole. If you find a part with sound, repeat the walk to determine the specific location of the sound, and then use chalk to mark. In this case, you can ask to remove the resurfacing.

Forgot to say that it is best not to wear high heels when stepping, which will destroy the wax layer on the floor surface. It is best to take off your shoes and step on it!

The third step - quantity and touch!

See if the floor is deformed or warped

This requires the use of tools. Acceptance method is to use a 2 meter long ruler, leaning on the floor, the flatness should not exceed 3 mm. Remember to measure a few more places. If the passing rate is above 80%, it is considered as qualified

In addition, you can touch the corner where the floor meets the floor by hand to see if it is flat.

Floor wood flooring ground acceptance

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