What kind of fire safety knowledge should travelers have?

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When it is confirmed that the passengers leaving the train box have been evacuated, the two doors of the box should be promptly closed. This can effectively control the spread of fire. If conditions permit, the train can be torn to a position where it is easy to extinguish the fire, and the train can be disassembled and the untrained train box can be pulled away from the fire site to completely isolate the fire. How to prevent text fire and passenger ship fire?

As there are many barters on board and on board, the fire spreads rapidly after the fire, and it is difficult for people to evacuate and it is difficult to rely on external rescue forces. Therefore, it is very important to do a good job of fire prevention. Passengers should consciously abide by regulations concerning the prohibition of smoking and the ban on carrying prohibited items on ships and aircrafts, and increase their awareness of self-protection.

For ships, aircraft drivers, and flight attendants, fire- fighting training and familiarization of fire-fighting equipment should be strengthened, and emergency measures should be formulated to conduct actual drills. In addition, the ship, aircraft should be equipped with a large number of high-efficiency fire extinguishing equipment to ensure that it can save the initial fire, at the same time, it should continue to improve and improve the ship, aircraft fire protection design, improve its fire, fire resistance and fire extinguishing performance. When a passenger ship sails, a fire signal must be provided in accordance with the regulations of the Hong Kong Chapter. The heading and speed should be quickly adjusted according to the situation, so that the misfired part is in a downwind direction. Fire extinguishing can be carried out in various forms such as self-provided equipment, fire extinguishing systems, water injection and fire extinguishing, beaching and beaching and so on. If the fire cannot be controlled and the situation is urgent and the ship has to be abandoned, the rope ladder and life-saving appliances should be put down on both sides so that the personnel can use it and ask the nearby vessels for help.

In the event of a fire in flight, the aircraft must make an emergency landing or make a forced landing, and inform the ground command center to make all preparations for the fire fighting and rescue personnel.

What should passengers pay attention to while driving? First of all, watch carefully before getting on the bus. If you find that the car is in poor condition, do not ride it lightly. Especially when there are high-speed road sections on the way, it is necessary to pay attention to selecting state-owned fixed-point shuttles with superior performance. If the driver is found speeding and overloading on the way, illegal operation, or passengers carrying prohibited items, they should be interfered and stopped, this is to protect their own rights and the rights of others. If the suspension is ineffective, it may require transfer or preparation for escape.

Once a passenger car catches fire, the key is to open the doors in time and quickly evacuate people. If there is a situation where the doors cannot be opened, passengers can quickly smash and smash the windows, forcibly evacuating in multiple directions, and must not sit still. When a vehicle is seriously hit or overturned, especially when the fuel tank is damaged and the oil overflows, it is necessary to immediately stay away from the scene, instead of seeking opportunities for money to escape the opportunity. Due to the greater mobility of cars, fires mainly rely on self-rescue. Therefore, automobiles, especially long-distance passenger cars, must be equipped with appropriate amount of fire-fighting equipment in order to quickly extinguish the initial fire. At the same time, passing vehicles and surrounding people should actively assist in suppressing fire and fighting fires. What if the train loses fire? The first stop is to stop the train. The conductor or passenger must quickly reach the junction of the two compartments or the rear of the door, and rotate the emergency brake handle clockwise to achieve the purpose of rapid parking; through the wireless communication of the crew, shake the red flag lights to inform the driver of the train in front of the parking. .

If the train is still running at high speed in the event of a fire, close the window immediately if time permits, because the train is running at a considerable amount of air. It is estimated that when the train runs at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour, the intake air volume per window is equivalent to a 350W blower. Therefore, when a fire breaks out, do not open the window. Instead, close the window immediately. This will not only slow down the fire burning rate, but also leave more precious time for people to implement escape. When evacuating people, they should try to evacuate along the direction of the train. Because usually the train is running, the fire spreads to the rear trunk. The larger the fire, the faster the spread. Since the door is open inwards, calm down when evacuating. Do not rush and squeeze to artificially block the door. When the train stops, you can open the window or use a hard object to break the window glass and escape from the window.

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