Applying base fertilizer before planting watermelon

To cultivate watermelon in greenhouses in solar greenhouses, base fertilizer should be applied to prevent post-fertilization from affecting yield. The base fertilizer is mainly composed of decomposed high-quality organic fertilizer, such as manure, chicken manure, compost, cake fertilizer and oil residue. And with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer.

Early-maturing cultivation of greenhouse watermelon should be carried out 10 to 15 days before planting to increase the ground temperature. Winter leisure land should be deep in the autumn 20-35 cm, 耙 2-3 times, and then dig the planting ditch (also known as Fengchangou), that is, dig a deep ditch in the watermelon cultivation line, fill in the mature soil and base fertilizer for preparation . The base fertilizer is concentrated in the ditch, and the soil, the column and the shed are disinfected with potassium permanganate and carbendazim, and the soil is killed by the phoxim insecticide. For sheds with low soil fertility, apply high-quality decomposed organic fertilizer per acre (good for chicken manure) 4000-5000 kg; for sheds with medium fertility above, apply 2000-4000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer per mu, and add 100 kg of cake fertilizer. . At the same time, 40-60 kg of calcium phosphate, 15-25 kg of potassium sulfate, or 30-40 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer per acre. It can also be equipped with zinc sulphate and borax, 1.5 kg per acre, and the fertilizer and backfill soil are mixed and backfilled into the rich production ditch. Because the amount of base fertilizer in the ditch is large, if the mixing is uneven, it is easy to damage the roots.
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