What is the difference between full automatic turnstile and semi-automatic turnstile?

What is the difference between full automatic turnstile and semi-automatic turnstile?

Keywords: access control system barrier gate tripod turnstile swing barrier flap barrier swing barrier drop arm barrier

Abstract: When buying tripod turnstile, many enterprises and organizations all have questions such as whether to buy fully automatic tripod turnstile or whether to buy semi-automatic tripod turnstile. In fact, only the best fit for your tripod turnstile.

full automatic tripod turnstile

Many companies and units in the purchase of tripod turnstile, there will be such a question, what is the purchase of fully automatic tripod turnstile, or buy semi-automatic tripod turnstile? In fact, only for their own is the best.

Fully automatic tripod turnstile, also known as electric tripod turnstile, equipped with a motor, all of the turnstiles are driven by the motor to complete, the user is authorized to pass the motor turns the turnstile bar to rotate 15 ° to unlock, suggesting that passers-by can pass, When the turnstile bar is touched, the turnstiles will perceive the passage of human through humanity so that the main controller again controls the motor to rotate the turnstile bar forward so that the passersby passes smoothly in the passing direction. When the turnstile bar is rotated by 120 °, the transmission The system automatically locks, the direction of the counter is automatically increased by 1, at the same time can be achieved automatically off the power off the rod, electrified motor driven turnstile bar rotation, automatic power on the pole, very easy to use.

semi-auto tripod turnstile

Semi-automatic tripod turnstile motor with no configuration, specially equipped with two electromagnets and special transmission and locking system to control turnstiles into and out of locking and unlocking, authorized access, the electromagnet driven unlocking arm unlocked, turnstile bar can be unidirectional Authorized access direction) rotation, the user can lightly push the turnstile bar through the channel.

Turnstile bar 120 ° rotation, the drive automatically lock the direction of the counter automatically increases by 1, at the same time can automatically off the power off the rod, power manual on the rod, very easy to use. Semi-automatic tripod turnstile Specially designed with 60 ° anti-reverse function, can effectively prevent pedestrians retrograde.