The Five Principles of Refrigerator Arrangement in Kitchen Feng Shui

Every summer, the significance of the refrigerator in life becomes more and more important. Whether it is the child's ice cream, the owner's beer, or the hostess's beauty fruit, they cannot leave the refrigerator.

Just like other home appliances, the refrigerator also has its unique feng shui effect. It continues to affect human health and indoor feng shui in the form of electromagnetic waves. Is it because of help or loss? Sometimes it's just a matter of reasonable use.

1. What kind of person is best for the refrigerator?

The refrigerator is the lucky thing of the Five Elements

For numerology and gold, the refrigerator is undoubtedly the best medicine to help transport. Every day, the task of opening the refrigerator to him, let him in the refrigerator again and again to enhance their fortune.

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