Good feng shui home transportation prosperity bedroom feng shui good and bad points

The bedroom in your home is like a human brain. What the brain needs, the bedroom also needs. For example: oxygen sufficient, quiet and so on. A healthy and feng shui bedroom should pay attention to the following points:


Bedroom layout

The clothing, furniture or furnishings in the bedroom must be tidy and not messy. Expired newspapers or magazines and extra trinkets should be cleaned up as far as possible. Otherwise, this will directly affect people's working order and there will be an upside-down phenomenon.


Bedroom light

The bedroom is a relatively private space, but it can also enhance many tastes here, but if the bedroom is closed, there are no windows to allow the sun to come in, or the light is too dark, it will easily lead to more and more misunderstanding between each other. Resolve, and do not want to vomit each other's inclinations!

The light in the bedroom must be moderately harmonious and not too bright or too dark. During the day, you must let the sun shine into the room. You cannot see the sun for a long time. Otherwise, it will make people depressed, confused, and irrational.


Bedroom ceiling

The ceiling light in the bedroom should leave the bed as far as possible, meaning that the light cannot be pressed on the bed. If so, it will make people vulnerable to damage.

The traditional feng shui theory holds that there are objects on the bed that press the roof, which is "heavy gas," and it is not good for health. Modern psychological research found that this situation does give people psychological implications, increases psychological pressure, affects endocrine, and then Insomnia, nightmares, respiratory diseases and other health problems. Therefore, experts suggest that the roof on the bed should be kept open.

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