Renovation promotes new designer to list second decoration

Renovation introduces a new designer

Hydropower to the old house "shotgun"

In the second renovation, hydropower reform is both the most basic part and the most critical part. From the material point of view, most of the house waterway processes that were renovated in the early years used galvanized pipes, aluminum-plastic pipes, and other materials. Leakage occurred from time to time. Now, with the replacement of materials, these pipes have begun to be slowly abandoned. At present, most decoration companies use plastic steel pipes. In the second decoration, just take this opportunity to give the aging water pipe a shotgun.

The aging of old wires and the illegal wiring of old houses can also be replaced and reconstructed through secondary renovations. Before the renovation, it is necessary to carefully understand the direction, location, and diameter of the residential hydropower pipeline, and communicate with the home improvement company about the transformation plan. Some owners in the second renovation often change the bathroom or kitchen line layout, or even modify the wall, which is easy to destroy the original waterproof design of the building, so construction must be careful, if there is leakage, you must redo waterproof .

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