Deng Jianguo greets the 19-year-old model of a beautiful young model

52-year-old "film predators" Deng Jianguo in Guangzhou on the 2nd of July and 90 after the "sister" Huang Yuqi wedding. Huang Xiaoqi was the daughter of Deng Jianguo before. According to Deng Jianguo before the media revealed that: the woman has not yet reached the legal age of marriage, first put the wine, waiting for the full 20 years of age, and then pull the card, the wedding banquet 95 tables.

Deng Jianguo once had a marriage. How did he meet his current wife? Deng Jianguo said: “She was very poor at home. She was studying in Guangdong while working in a restaurant. I knew her and felt she was very diligent, gentle, and good-natured.” Deng Jianguo recognized each other as a daughter. "I support her to continue to study at normal school and secondary school. I give her tuition and living expenses every year. It took so many years to get along." Until 2008, Huang Xiaoqi graduated and moved to Deng Jianguo's "White House" for a long stay. For a long time, she became a husband.

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